Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

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Medical Malpractice can be quite an expensive process. But the law of medical malpractice does not have an allowance for trial and error as it is a tort law based law. As such, victims of medical malpractice are not entitled to compensation unless the defendant can prove that the plaintiff was acting within the parameters of professional responsibility. In filing a medical malpractice lawsuit, the victim has to prove all four elements of medical malpractice, which include:

In the United States, the plaintiff who intends to pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit has to first prove four elements or legal necessities to establish a case of medical malpractice. These elements consist of: (1) a legally binding duty on the part of your doctor to provide appropriate care or treatment to your patient; (2) your treating physician's failure to follow this duty; (3) a violation of your right to receive care and treatment by your treating physician; and (4) that a breach of your right resulted in the harm or death of you or a person related to you. These elements may vary from state to state, so it is best to consult your local courthouse to determine what is required. Medical records are one of the most important documents for this litigation.

It is important to understand that there is a distinction between a breach of duty and a breach of contractual or professional responsibility. A doctor could reasonably be expected to act in ways that would violate the Hippocratic Code, yet still be found not guilty of malpractice because, under the Code, a contract is not a legal obligation. Similarly, although a nurse may be held liable for negligence in treating a patient, this individual's breach of trust is not a legally binding duty. If the breach results in the harm or death of another person through negligence, an attorney malpractice lawsuit may be filed.

In most medical malpractice lawsuits, attorneys file a motion to dismiss arguing that the plaintiff's evidence of negligence is not sufficient to establish liability. This argument is based on the notion that once a duty has been breached, significant damages must occur in order for the case to go forward. In general, courts do not permit plaintiffs to recover more than the likely damages they will receive if their lawsuit is successful. Get to know more from us at

Even if there is a valid duty to maintain a particular standard of professional conduct, there may be a substantial breach of that duty. In most cases, a breach occurs when a health care professional fails to meet that duty. For example, if a family practitioner fails to give a prescribed medication, that family practitioner can be found liable for legal malpractice. The same is true if a dental professional necessary teeth cleanings or other preventative services. These types of instances often require proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a duty was breached.

Even in the most tragic of injuries, most doctors and surgeons act reasonably when they fail to maintain standards of care. If a patient is injured because a doctor or surgeon negligently violated that duty, a malpractice claim may be filed. The damage award in these cases typically covers all of the victims' past and future losses, such as lost earning capacity, permanent disability resulting from the injury, pain and suffering, and other expenses. While medical malpractice is a complex area of law, victims should seek qualified representation to obtain the maximum possible compensation. An experienced personal injury attorney who has experience in this area of law will be able to advise clients on both the benefits of filing a complaint and the likely outcome of their lawsuit.